LCP's pro-active management strategy looks to enhance the value of the retail assets within the portfolio and improve the quality and length of income streams. The market is constantly monitored and acquisitions will be undertaken on a selective basis where there are real opportunities to enhance returns using our intensive management approach.

We are committed to improving returns and achieving asset grow, through intensive management of a mixed use property porfolio.



Acquisition Contact:

James Buchanan
Investment Director
07760 880070 

Seeking Acquisitions:

  • £500k to £30m in value
  • Portfolios up to £150m (can include industrial/offices/leisure)
  • Yields in excess of 8%
  • Standalone properties, parades, neighbourhood centres or portfolios
  • New parades or centres where supported by existing or new residential areas
  • Quick board approval with significant cash resources available
  • Happy to hear from agents with suitable opportunities both 'on' or 'off' market
  • Usual fees/commissions for agents payable
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