
Expanding It Disposal Company Relocates To Multipark Burntwood

Part of a Staffordshire business park is now fully let after a rapidly expanding computer disposables company moved there when it needed to double its space.

Computer Disposal Experts Ltd has moved to unit 28A in Zone 2 of Multipark Burntwood, which is owned and managed by LCP, from Lichfield, where it was based for more than two years.

It has signed a five-year lease for the 2,886 sq ft unit.

Nick Burgh, of Computer Disposal Experts Ltd, said: "Demand is really growing for IT asset disposal from schools, businesses and from individuals who want to get rid of their IT equipment safely, which has meant we needed to find bigger premises quickly.

"Moving to our new unit at Multipark Burntwood means we can install new storage and racking and we hope, in the future, to set up a trade counter from where we can sell the recycled IT components, laptops and other equipment. This is a busier location in which to trade from, so it should mean we get more passing trade, too."

The business already employs seven people, but it hopes to expand the team in about six months' time. It enables companies and individuals to dispose of their redundant IT equipment, including hard drives, free of charge. It provides complete data security and also follows the Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive.

Welcoming the IT company to Zone 2 of the business park, Nick Bryson, Associate Director of LCP, said: "It's great news to see a local company rapidly expanding and needing bigger premises. Multipark Burntwood is in an excellent location, close to the strategic road network and the M6 Toll Road, making it easily accessible."

Expanding It Disposal Company Relocates To Multipark Burntwood
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